Dandelion Puffs Paintings
Learning Targets
I can...
- Create an original Dandelion Puffs Paintings using drawing techniques learned in class
- Use color combinations (warm colors, cool colors), line types (horizontal vertical diagonal), and shape variation (geometric, organic, free form) inspired by French Artist (1814-1875) Jean-Francois Millet
- Use painting techniques (layering, blending, dry brush, underpainting) and design principles (gradation, composition, proportion) based on Realism
- Define Composition (the way in which different elements of an artwork are combined or arranged together)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
1. Dandelions (1867) Jean-Francois Millet
2. Read The Dandelion Seeds Big Dream by Joseph Anthony
3. Discussion Questions "Why are dandelions considered an undesirable weed and not valued in specific environments? How does a close view of a dandelion reference rural and agricultural life? Did you know that Jean Francois Millet brought back the popularity of pastels with his artwork? Did you notice that there is one open flower showing? Where is the path of light and directional cues for taking the viewer throughout the drawing? Can you see the circular design? Can you sense the movement of the seed heads drifting apart? Why are there so many artists that paint dandelions? What do you like about dandelions? Can you think of other ways to use dandelions?"
Lesson Activities
1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper
2. Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to draw positive space (flower, dandelion) of the flower paintings
3. Use color combinations (analogous, warm colors, cool colors) to fill in the positive space (flower) of the Dandelion Puffs Paintings
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Dandelion Puffs Paintings for Assigned Tables
2. Dandelions (1985) Yayoi Kusama
3. Discussion Questions "Did you know dandelions are edible? Did you know dandelions contact more essential vitamins than spinach? Did you know early European settlers in America used them for food and medicine? How many flowers can you see in a dandelion bloom? Can you guess how the dandelion got the name lion's teeth? Did you learn anything new about dandelions? Why do some people call dandelions weeds? How far do the seeds fly the air is still and when it is windy? Which part of the dandelion reminds you of a lion's tooth? Have you ever blown on a fluff ball of dandelion seeds? Why do you think dandelion seeds are fluffy? Do the seeds with bristles remind you of a helicopter or a parachute?"
Lesson Activities
1. Add shape variation (geometric, organic, free form) to the negative space (background) of the flower paintings
2. Use patterns (stripes, swirls, curls) to add a design to the negative space (background) of the flower paintings
3. Use chalk to blend patterns (swirls, stripes, curls) for the negative space (background) of the Dandelion Puffs Paintings
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve Dandelion Puffs Paintings for Assigned Tables
2. Set Up Studio Area (paint brushes, water buckets, oil pastels, watercolor)
Lesson Activities
1. Blend color combinations (analogous, warm colors, cool colors) for the positive space (flower) of the flower paintings
2. Add highlights (light source, reflective light) to the positive space (flower, dandelion) of the flower paintings
3. Add illusion of depth by add details (glitter, petals, details) to the positive space (flower, dandelion) of the Dandelion Puffs Paintings