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Thursday, November 17, 2022


Sombrero Collages

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Sombrero Collage using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), shape variation (geometric, organic, free form), and space (positive, negative) inspired by Mexican Painter (1886-1957) Diego Rivera
  • Use collage techniques (overlapping, layering, cropping) and design principles (composition, variation, repetition) based on Mexican Mural Movement
  • Define Symbol (a solid, recognizable thing (animal, plant, object) that stands for something hard to show in a picture)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. The Flower Carrier (1935) Diego Rivera

2. Read El Perro Con Sombrero: A Bilingual Doggy Tale by Derek Taylor Kent

3. Discussion Questions "What is the name of this artwork? How did you create this artwork? What tools, supplies, and techniques did you use? What does this piece of artwork mean to you? What did you use for inspiration? What did you enjoy creating when making this piece? How do these sombreros look symmetrical? How did the artist use line and shape to create patterns on the sombreros? Did the artist add white to make the colors pop? What are the best hats for summer? What are some popular types of hats worn in the summer? What are the summer hats that cover the ears called? What is the purpose of a summer hat?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" X 15" Colored Construction Paper

2. Use hat template (sombrero, charro, zapata) to fill in the positive space (foreground) of the hat designs

3. Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to draw the patterns (stripes, dots, waves) onto the positive space (hat) of the Sombrero Collages

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Sombrero Collages for Assigned Table

2.  The Banana Leaf Loader (1953) Diego Rivera

3. Discussion Questions "Are hats the same on both sides? What types of lines did you use to mark a pattern or design on the hats? How do you like your colorful hats? What eye-catching embellishments did you add to your hats? Is it merely decorative or did it pull your eye to something important? What are hats? How many of you have ever worn a hat? How many have you ever lost a hat? How did you feel when you lost the hat? Why are hats easy to lose?"

Lesson Activities

1. Add highlights (reflective light, light source) to the positive space (foreground) of the hat designs

2. Add shadows (reflective shadow, cast shadow) to the negative space (background) of the hat designs

3. Add embellishments (pom poms, cotton balls, jewels) to the positive space (foreground) of the Sombrero Collages

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Sombrero Collages for Assigned Tables

2. Set Up Studio Area (glue sticks, scissors, paper)

Lesson Activities

1. Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to add patterns (dots, waves, stripes) to the positive space (foreground) of the hat designs

2. Use color combinations (analogous, complementary, secondary) to fill in the positive space (foreground) of the hat designs 

3. Use color combinations (analogous, complementary, secondary) to fill in the negative space (background) of the hat designs 

Artist Examples

Student Examples