Love Is In The Airplane Collages
Learning Targets
I can...
- Create an original Airplane Collage using drawing techniques learned in class
- Use line types (horizontal vertical diagonal), shape variation (geometric organic free form) and texture (actual implied visual) inspired by Modern Artist (1890-1973) Stanton Macdonald-Wright and American Painter (1898-1922) Elsie Driggs
- Use collage techniques (pasted paper, decoupage, photomontage, assemblage) and design principles (movement, rhythm, balance) based on American Modernism
- Define Overlap (placement of objects over one another to create the illusion of depth)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
1. Aeroplane Synchron In Yellow-Orange (1928) Stanton Macdonald-Wright
2. Read Becoming Modern: American In The 1920s Primary Sources In History, Literature, and The Arts by The National Endowment For The Humanities
3. Discussion Questions "How did the airplane with its marvel and mystery symbolize modernism in the twenties? What are benefits and downsides of snapshot views of a historical period? How did "machine age" innovations change American life in the twenties? What makes the paintings modernist interpretations of the Machine Age? On first look, what impression of the airplane do you get from each painting? Why do you see in each painting? What do you hear in your head? What movement do you feel? Would you fly in the airplane? How would you rename each painting to reflect your answers to these questions? What are the core visual elements in these works? What impression of an airplane do you think Macdonald-Wright intended to convey in Airplane Synchromy? What impression of flight in the year 1920? How did he convey the marvel of the airplane? How did he convey the mystery of the airplane? How does Airplane Synchromy reflect Synchronism? How does it use color and abstraction to portray the airplane as a symbol of modernism?"
Lesson Activities
1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper
2. Use geometric shapes (triangles, circles, rectangles) to draw the exterior (outside) of the airplane collages
3. Use geometric shapes (triangles, circles, rectangles) to draw the main parts (wings, flaps, rudder, spinner, tail) of the Love Is In The Airplane Collages
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Love Is In The Airplane Collages for Assigned Tables
2. Aeroplane (1928) Elsie Driggs
3. Discussion Questions "What impression of the airplane do you think Driggs intended to convey in Aeroplane? What impression of flight in the year 1928? How did she convey the marvel of the airplane? How did she convey the mystery of the airplane? How does Aeroplane reflect Precisionism? How does it use simplicity and clarity to portray the airplane as a symbol of the modern? How do they differ in presenting he airplane as a symbol of modernity, human daring, and the unknown future? How can images as abstract as Macdonald-Wright's and as realistic as Drigg's both reflect modernism? Why might the artists have used the word aeroplane instead of airplane? Why might Macdonald-Wright have emphasized movement through air while Driggs emphasized stillness in air? Why might the artists have done this? What role does the pilot play in each painting? What role does the airplane play in each? How does the surrounding environment support these roles? How does the painting influence the viewer's response?"
Lesson Activities
1. Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to outline neutral colors (black, grey, brown) of the airplane collages
2. Add decorative patterns (dots, stripes, swirls) to the positive space (airplane) of the airplane collages
3. Add line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to the negative space (background) of the Love Is In The Airplane Collages
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve Love Is In The Airplane Collages for Assigned Tables
2. Set Up Studio Area (tissue paper, glue sticks, scissors, cotton balls)
Lesson Activities
1. Use warm colors (red orange yellow) to fill in the negative space (background) of the airplane collages
2. Use cool colors (blue green purple) to fill in the positive space (airplane) of the airplane collages
3. Add highlights (lightness, darkness) to the positive space (airplane) of the Love Is In The Airplane Collages